Mypaperbook, the customizable notebooks

Mypaperbook was born from the desire to share the excellence of a skill that has developed into an art form and from the desire to promote the notebook – a simple yet invaluable object – in a customizable, haute couture style.

Our customizable notebooks are expertly made by artisans at the Manufacture d’Histoires Deux-Ponts, which has been operating since 1935 and which has received the label “Entreprise du Patrimoine Vivant”, recognising its commitment to preserving living heritage.

All our notebooks are manufactured in France, in the heart of the Alps. They are made from chlorine-free paper, which is also manufactured in the Alps using processes that respect the environment and humanity.

Our company is certified Imprim’Vert et ISO 14001, and has been awarded the Grand Prix from the Courtoisie Française.

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